EP2: Aimee Song on Finding Happiness Within


Show Notes:

We're living in such a strange moment in culture right now, because we put so much emphasis on social validation. There's a lot of pressure, but at the end of the day, social media only portrays a mere fraction of someone's life. Reflecting on her decade long career in the fashion and digital space, Aimee Song affirms that her anchor in this industry is being able to find happiness within herself.

On today's episode, Aimee and I chat openly about her struggles with getting lost in chasing the likes, and how she has been able to rediscover her passion by prioritizing her happiness with the help of therapy, and the JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out). Aimee also talks about her upbringing, and how it shaped the strong values that have always helped her stay grounded.

Listen as Aimee takes us through an inside look at her life, and how she has been able to stay true to her purpose, in a world that can so often lead us astray.

Questions I ask: 

  • Where did the interest in interior design and architecture come from? (07:00)

  • When did you leave your official day job? (14:55)

  • Why do you think you've been able to stand the test of time? (16:30)

  • How do you stay humble? (28:25)

  • How does it feel being a boss? (32:10)

  • Looking at your site and your career, everything orbits around you. How do you deal with that? (34:20)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Everything about her childhood. (03:10)

  • How therapy has helped Aimee become a better person. (21:30)

  • What JOMO is. (26:05)

  • The purpose of her platform, followers, and fame. (35:30)

  • One of Aimee’s biggest achievements. (35:50)

Connect with Aimee:

Aimee’s Personal Instagram

Shop Song of Style on Revolve

Song of Style Instagram

Song of Style Website


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VWTK Podcast Instagram

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